“Eczema is a horrible condition. It’s overtaken every aspect of my life for many years and has stopped me from enjoying so many things. I struggle with horrendous itching daily, and it’s only got worse as I’ve got older.” explains Kate a 53-year old mother of two from Tamworth, Staffordshire.
As someone who has lived with eczema all her life, Kate has endured a lifetime of painful itching and scratching.
“It’s safe to say, over the years, I’ve tried every cream, ointment and everything in between. I’ve even tried complimentary therapies from herbalists and homeopaths, but they only made my eczema worse. In recent years, I’ve paid privately to see a dermatologist twice, only to end up with the same advice of steroids, emollients and antihistamines.”
The unpredictable nature of Kate’s eczema is a challenge, Kate tries to live a normal life, but says it’s not easy. “I can’t do anything spontaneous because it takes at least an hour to get my skin ready and I still have to apply my eczema cream every two hours. Sometimes sleeping is just impossible and that affects my daily life as well.” Kate’s symptoms also have a psychological impact. “Mentally, it can be very difficult. Sometimes the hardest challenge is keeping a smile on my face. I’m conscious that people may get fed-up of me constantly moaning about my skin.”
Until recently, Kate has been stuck with using the same old revolving treatment regimens: taking antihistamines daily, liberally applying moisturising eczema creams and avoiding key triggers – that was until she discovered the life changing benefits of Suu Balm™.
Kate works as an Accredited Pharmacy Checking Technician (ACT) and Diabetes Advisor. She knows she shouldn’t use steroids for long periods of time, so is always on the lookout for new products.
“Suu Balm is new to the UK and has dual benefits. It provides rapid itch relief and is a great moisturiser for eczema. I like it because the formulation is based on natural ingredients such as menthol which works really quickly, soothing my skin and eliminating the itch, and ceramides which help to restore skin moisture.”
“Since using Suu Balm, my skin’s been so much better because my itching is controlled. As soon as I feel the slightest itch coming on, I apply the cream and it takes the itch away in less than a minute. The texture is nice too, it’s light and non-greasy. I still use my steroid cream, but I am less reliant on it.”
“I can’t express how pleased I am to have finally found relief in making my eczema feel more comfortable, I’ve even stopped taking my antihistamines.”
If you would like to try Suu Balm please contact us via our Facebook page @SuuBalm or email [email protected]